Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Learning Cantonese ...

I am trying to learn Cantonese but I am looking for a free solution. This seems to be a good source. The only downside is really that you have to share the link on a blog. No big deal!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Assignment 8: Survey


(I forgot to label this previously)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Assignment 7:Internet Safety

  1. What article did you choose to read for your #5 article? "The Standard of Truth Has Been Erected"
  2. What were the most important things you learned from the readings? I loved that he talked that we must not yield to the ways of the world, but must be obedient and stand strong for what is right.
  3. How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth? I will definitely keep the provident living guidelines for internet safety in a place I will see them often. They are not always intuitive, but I can see that those precautions will lead to a more open and honest environment in the home or the classroom.
  4. How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends? First and foremost, I really think I should be a good example of internet safety. Teaching what I have learned or even just exposing the options is fairly irrelevant if I have not witnessed the results firsthand.
  • Hrm... (me pondering the questions)
  • I looked at most of the articles, but one that interested me was the Cyberbullying one.
  • I could definitely see that at least exposure to this could help me in a classroom in that students may be dealing with the new generation of bullying and having to deal with the very noncyber, but real emotions that go with that.
  • I sent out an email to my family newsletter and got responses from my dad, three sisters and two brothers (all are parents). Age range of siblings: 26-37.
  • All shared what they knew of internet safety and I shared the internet safety guidelines on the provident living site of the church. They were all in favor of each guideline, though I am not sure if these approvals will really yield change. I will definitely be installing filters onto my computer and making an effort to work on my laptop outside of my bedroom.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Stellarium Assignment

The Stellarium Project: Found HERE

4. Find a date and time when the sun is in your zodiac constellation. 09 October 2009

5. How high in the sky will the moon get tomorrow? Give the latitude coordinate. +26 degrees

6. Find your zodiac, as seen from provo, and get a screen shot of it.

7. Choose one of the scripts to watch and write a paragraph on why you chose that particular script and what you observed.

I really liked the partial lunar eclipse script. It was very informative and it helped me understand better the way that viewing the stars can change during a partial lunar eclipse. It was really helpful for me to understand what it looks like when the moon is only partially covered rather than waiting until the next opportunity and staying up really late to watch. I'm excited to see more and learn more and even to experience a real lunar eclipse someday!

Monday, June 1, 2009


TPACK refers to a way that we put technology into teaching. It stands for Technological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge. I really thought the best illustration was that the overlapping of Technology, Content and Pedagogy. TPK, or Technological Pedagogical Knowledge is just like TPACK, but does not encompass Content.

One really good example is TPACK would be like the video Ellie and I made for Newton's first law. It encompasses the teaching style, knowledge and the content of Newton's first law. TPK, however, is really just knowing how to use what is available to a teacher and making use of it. This could be just knowing how to make a really cool powerpoint.

Link to Synchronous Chat Video

Due to embedding issues, here is the link to my video of synchronous chatting via Skype.